Movie Park Germany has started to promote a new attraction opening in 2021, with a teaser video depicting a delivery from the ride manufacturer Intamin Amusement Rides.

Promotional banners have also been erected in front of one of the 'sound stage' buildings at the park, previously occupied by Ice Age Adventure and before that Looney Tunes Adventure. Both of these were water dark rides, using a boat ride system supplied by Intamin.

Looney Tunes Adventure opened in 1996, with the attraction re-themed to Ice Age Adventure in 2005 by the Thinkwell Group, it then closed in 2016.

Since 2017, the boats from the attraction have been used in Area 51 - Top Secret, another attraction at Movie Park Germany with a ride system from Intamin.

Outside the attraction building, banners with EVEN MORE "HOLLYWOOD IN GERMANY" FROM 2021 have been put in place.

Teaser Video: